“Louada Raschke has been our friend for many years. She is an amazing woman of God with high integrity and passion for Jesus Christ. The fire she carries for God cannot be put out. Louada is highly gifted in preaching, teaching, testimony, and worship. She is a “one-woman band” who carries a very high level of anointing and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit wherever she goes. Louada served as a Trustee of THE COMING KING FOUNDATION, hosted our weekly radio show on the Salem Network, and led our EASTER worship services for many years at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN. In addition, she was also used powerfully by the LORD at our all-day Dedication event of the 24.5-acre garden park on September 13, 2015. Sherry and I give Louada Raschke our highest recommendation and urge you to consider having her minister at your church or event. Also, if the LORD leads you, please support her radio, TV, internet, and speaking ministry with your prayers and finances.”
— Max & Sherry Greiner,; Max Greiner, Jr. Designs; The Coming King Foundation
“It is a great honor for me to recommend LOUADA RASCHKE and her Ministry. I have had the privilege for many years of knowing and serving with Louada. She is a woman of integrity, strength, wisdom, consistency, faithfulness, humility, and yet a Godly confidence. The joy, anointing, and love that flows from her life in everything that she does are so evident. There is a prophetic anointing upon her life and ministry in preaching, teaching, singing, and Praise and Worship. LOUADA is a woman of The Word and she knows how to rightly divide the Word I highly recommend her to anyone and anywhere, she makes one thirsty for God!”
— Carol Torrance, U.S. Regional Director Aglow International
“I want you to know that your teaching, you are ministering to me, and seeing you minister, and love others has had a profound effect on my life and my thinking. At the beginning of this year, I was suffering with anger, bitterness, anxiety, and grief. I was ready to give up, but through your ministry, following along as you pointed me to Jesus has helped me find my way back. Your teaching has played a big part in my study of God’s Word, as well as my worship and prayer life, and that in turn has increased my desire to serve the Lord once again with genuine care and concern of those who are hurting—in my community and beyond.”
— Laura
“It is with great pleasure and confidence that I can recommend Louada Raschke. She is a woman of Godly character andintegrity who has proven herself over the years. As the Executive Director of Christian Women’s Job Corps, Kerr County, (CWJC) I was pleased to become acquainted with Louada in various settings. However, when she taught the women of CWJC, I realized how invaluable Louada is. CWJC provides training in job and life skills to women who are needing to live their lives differently. These are women who are coming from prison, substance abuse, sex trafficking, widowed, divorced, and needing to learn skills for employment. Louada entered this organization without judgment and with unconditional love. She taught the women how to overcome their fears, forgive their abusers,and break out ofthe traps they had been subjected to. Louada is an effective public speaker, teacher, and minister. I have every confidence in her abilityand integrity.”
— Ann Buck, Executive Director Christian Women's Job Corps, Kerr County
“Louada Raschke is one of the most gifted and courageous ministry leaders I have had the privilege to know for the past ten years. She knows what the Bible says, and she puts it into practice in how she lives her life and in how she operates her ministry. When she opens her mouth, the Word comes forth with great energy. She is passionate about the Holy Spirit and desires to see everyone saved, healed, and experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit. She is committed to this goal to the extent that she considers the needs of others more important than the time on the clock. Louada is gifted musically; even though she has never studied formally, she writes songs and presents worship with such powerful intimacy that everyone experiences the presence of God. Louada Raschke Ministries has amazingly covered more territory with limited resources than many other ministries have been able to do: LRM established a 24-hour prayer hotline, hosts a monthly Prayer for the Nation event, records and produces DVD’s of ministry sessions, ministers through a weekly radio program as well as on television, regularly ministers at the Cross and with Aglow International all over the state of Texas. Louada and her team have always been willing to go wherever they are called to go. Because Louada and her ministry team bring the total package – music, teaching, and prayer, they are much in demand. Louada has demonstrated genuine faith in the truth of God’s Word by refusing to compromise when she has been challenged to do so. That makes her an authentic minister of the gospel. When Jesus saw Nathanial, He said, “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” Jesus could say the same thing about Louada. She is truly genuine, and her motives are pure. Louada never gives up, even when she is faced with obstacles that would cause a lesser person to quit. Her heart is toward the Lord to do everything He asks of her and to do His work exactly as He directs her to do it.”
— Linda Harper, President Aglow International Kerrville Lighthouse
“Louada Raschke is not only an anointed minister, but her spirit and love for humanity is reaching the masses. On a professional basis, Louada and her band offer the finest in praise and worship fellowship, and the music ministry they collectively deliver is motivating and inspiring. Whether on a stage, at church, volunteering their talents at benefits or worship events, even at rehearsals....God is in it!”
— Vicki Johnson, Senior Publicist IATSE 600 International Camera Guild - Film Industry, Senior Publicist for The Coming King Foundation
“My sincere appreciation and support goes out to Louada and her band. Our time of fellowship and sharing in the Easter Event Celebration at the Cross was very memorable for me. Your talents and heart for the Lord are strong, and I look forward to more times together in praise and worship with you all.”
— Lenny Holmes, Producer, Recording Artist, Master Guitarist, Minister of Music, Industry Credited Songwriter
“Louada and her band are wonderful Christians with a passion for the Lord. They exude their gifts and talents with dedication and heart. I enjoyed the time of fellowship at The Coming King Foundation Easter Event with all of you. Many blessings for your continued success and putting the spotlight on the real star..our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! One Love... Raymone...”
— Raymone Carter, Warner Brothers Reprise Recording Artist, Producer, Lead Vocalist, Bass Player, Industry Credited Songwriter